Zero Carbon
March 9, 2022
The Zero Carbon Renovation Revolution Has Arrived
Over 75 million existing homes in the U.S. are dependent on fossil fuels for heating, hot water, and cooking. If we want to achieve carbon neutrality, renovating these homes on the path to zero is a significant and urgent challenge.
Read ArticleJanuary 14, 2022
Net-Zero vs Passive House: What are the Similarities and Differences?
Hint: The Answer Goes Beyond Green Building Buzz Words
Read ArticleMay 6, 2021
How to Decarbonize the American Household
There’s still time to slow the impact of climate change, but America must act… and fast. This requires a rapid shift to using electric power for everything from household equipment to personal transportation. There’s good news. If done correctly, the transition can save everyone money and create more jobs. We can choose: crisis or opportunity.
Read ArticleApril 15, 2021
Climate Solutions 101
This six-video mini course from Project Drawdown presents a comprehensive overview of available solutions to the climate crisis. The entire set of videos runs only 90 minutes and is packed with facts, making it a great resource for teachers, decision makers, and just about everyone. Unlike many other attempts to describe the climate crisis, these videos are focused on the positive climate actions we can take and it reveals a few surprising facts.
Read ArticleFebruary 8, 2021
Now, a More Climate-Friendly Spray Foam
Spray foam is used enthusiastically by many builders hoping to improve energy performance of their projects. But the hidden climate impact of conventional 2-pound, closed- cell foam is actually a huge step backward. A new generation of low global warming potential spray foam corrects this fatal flaw.
Read ArticleJanuary 11, 2021
Community Solar: My Experience
Rooftop solar may be ideal for some, but it can be out of reach for others. If you want to live on locally-generated, clean renewable energy, consider a community solar program. Here’s how one family jumped on board and saved money, too.
Read ArticleJanuary 8, 2021
Heat Pump Clothes Dryers — Ready for Prime Time
There is an elephant in the utility room. Clothes dryers have big energy appetites. As homes go all-electric, switching to heat pump technology for clothes drying will save energy and reduce carbon emissions, while reducing the wear and tear on your clothes.
Read ArticleDecember 9, 2020
Give a Holiday Gift to the Environment
Tired of giving “stuff” as holiday gifts? Here’s an idea for holiday generosity that benefits the planet and your peeps.
Read ArticleDecember 8, 2020
Causes for Optimism
One thing everyone agrees on: 2020 has been hard to take. In spite of protests, pandemic, and politics, there are some spots that burn brighter amidst the darkness. Here are a few developments on the path to zero that deserve our gratitude, support and celebration.
Read ArticleNovember 9, 2020
Low Carbon Concrete – Starting from the Ground Up
Concrete is the largest source of embodied carbon in buildings, but we can change that. “Green” concrete products are now available that range from somewhat lower carbon, to zero carbon, and carbon negative. Concrete may just flip from villain to hero when builders, designers, and homebuyers demand it.
Read ArticleOctober 15, 2020
Builders – Get Ready for the Renewable Energy Revolution
The construction landscape is changing rapidly and one of the major drivers is the revolution in renewable energy. These six renewable technology innovations are already shaping the market for new homes. Designers and builders who understand and take advantage of these changes will ride the wave. Those that don’t may just wipe out.
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