Zero Homes Are Great: Let’s Make Them Better — Zero 2.0

…to subscribe to off-site renewable energy. #5 Most Zero Homes Ignore Transportation and Other Home Energy Uses. Few zero energy homes are designed or equipped to generate enough renewable energy

Banish “Payback”

…my costs for energy improvements dropped to $16,085 so my added monthly mortgage payment was only $77.00 . My energy model predicted energy savings worth $92 per month, Adding the…

Closeup interior view of heat pump clothes dryer - photo

Heat Pump Clothes Dryers: Low-Impact Laundry

…are leaders in energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR ranks dryers based on their Combined Energy Factor (CEF), a measure of energy efficiency. The higher a dryer’s CEF, the more energy efficient…

Don’t Repair, Replace! Bring Zero Energy Homes to Those Who Need them Most

energy comes in. Because it’s more cost-effective to apply zero energy principles in new construction than in retrofits. These new homes should be affordable and qualify as zero energy ready….

2019 is the Year of Energy Codes

…path where buildings use actual energy bills to prove their intended performance rather than prescriptive standards or predictive modeling, which don’t always translate into actual lower energy use. Innovation in…

Online Education – Available Anytime

The following online courses and webinars provide construction and real estate professionals with the knowledge they need to effectively design, build, retrofit and market zero energy homes. While some of…

How many solar panels does it take to power an electric car? 

My wife and I built a zero energy home in 2015. The energy model we conducted as part of that process said that we would need to generate about 6200…

Energy-Efficient Low-Income Apartments 

…old appliances burn natural gas, upgrade them to-high efficiency electric models. Replace failing appliances with all-electric ENERGY STAR appliances — including induction stovetops, high-efficiency front load washers, and heat pump…

Zero Homes are Comparable in Cost to Standard Homes

Even though the energy efficient, high performance features of a zero energy home are slightly more expensive, any added cost can be kept to a minimum using several strategies. Doing…

Passive House Busts High Cost Myth

…heating. Today’s super energy efficient homes turn this relationship upside down. The energy breakdown for the Scranton Passive House shows that a whopping 67% of the energy is used for…

Zero Accessory Dwelling Units: Low Income Housing that Works

…Construction The first step in low-cost zero energy construction is conducting energy modeling on the planned structure. Energy modeling will help select the lowest cost mix of energy-saving measures such…

New In-store Label For Window Coverings Will Give Shoppers A Clear View Of Energy Savings

…compare these products and select the most energy-efficient styles. And without reliable data, computerized energy models are not able to estimate the contribution window coverings make to home energy performance….

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