net-metering benefits
June 18, 2019
Getting to Zero: Utilities and Industry
The future is electric and the power will come mostly, if not entirely, from renewable sources. In Part Two of Energizing the Green New Deal, we get specific about strategies that utilities and heavy industry can utiliz e to address climate change and make a profit at the same time. Utilities will play a central role in guiding development of renewable resources and efficient ways to deploy them. Industry may present the greatest challenges, but there are existing technologies to smooth the transition, plus smart incentives and new technologies in the pipeline.
Read ArticleJune 3, 2019
Financing Energy-Saving Improvements and Zero Energy Homes for All
Saving energy is the same as earning money. You can use these earnings to finance energy improvements that pay for themselves. Learn how to turn a monthly expense into more comfort and value in your home.
Read ArticleFebruary 15, 2019
My Zero Energy Pool is a Great Investment!
Swimming pools are great fun, but they have high running costs and a high carbon footprint. David Green cut both. Now his pool running cost is zero and so is its carbon footprint.
Read ArticleJanuary 16, 2019
Mandalay Homes: Zero Energy Grid-Integrated Neighborhoods that Solve the “Duck Curve”
To stay competitive, a production builder must find a good balance between cost, price, and profit. Here’s the story of one builder who has successfully added high-performance, clean energy features to their standard offering. More importantly this builder has developed an elegant solution to the challenge of solar-powered homes producing energy when it is not needed by the grid.
Read ArticleSeptember 23, 2018
My Zero Energy Retrofit Beats my 401(k)
This analysis, using standard business investment metrics, shows that a complete zero energy home retrofit can return 15% a year with zero risk. Beat that Wall Street!
Read ArticleFebruary 21, 2018
Decarbonizing Your Retirement as You “Age in Place”
The Baby Boomer generation has lived a lifestyle powered by fossil fuels. As they transition into retirement, they are uniquely positioned to lead the way to clean energy.
Read ArticleSeptember 21, 2016
The Debate Around Net Metering Rages On
Uncertainty around net metering is hampering the growth of solar electric installations in certain parts of the country. Net metering is an arrangement that permits owners of solar electric systems to bank their excess power with the local utility company. Consumers redeem these energy credits when they use more power than they produce. Net metering […]
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